What a privilege God the Almighty has given to his children to be able to explore and surgically heal other fellow men! Not long ago, it was told that surgery on the fellow men is impossible and not a gift given. In the first three volumes, the author discussed the holistic brain, the master mind of mankind. Perhaps, the new technology may get signals from the brain to the outside world replacing some of the neural network. But never, ever, should it replace the brain, the person’s identity and eternal existence. The brain is a sacred irreplaceable organ so the nervous system should be handled accordingly. For generations, we realized that injury to the nervous system is limited in reparability and the best thing is prevention and if injured, act immediately. There are many new things on the horizon, but today, the brain remains almost irreparable and regeneration is very much limited.
New development in the neuro-technology, neurocomputer interface where brain signals of intention to do a task can be picked up by sensor transferred wirelessly to a computer or to artificial limbs and patient able to communicate to outside world. All our deeds arise from the brain and are conducted through the nervous network, and mankind is able to navigate his daily activity in the environment. But as Our Lord said “all what comes from within---et”. The brain cells are able to generate detected electrical signals called evoked potentials and spikes. These spikes get intensified as they are activated when these specific neurons intended to do a specific task. If these neurons are picked up from the motor strip, then it is muscle movements, if from vision area, they will be activated from the scene. And so forth. The new technology may help to assess or restore some functions to stroke or spinal cord injured patients. It may allow the brain of quadriplegic patient to move an outside virtual arm but it needs the brain of the person and it will work through the mastermind.
The journey for surgery on the nervous system is scary and not easy. It was not long ago when man thought that no man survives after surgery on the nervous system. That has changed. Even currently many of patients will say “you are not going to make a hole in my brain”. Rightly so, many of the fears related to the neurological paralysis and loss of function. Patients understood clearly that brain and nerves are essential and damage will result in a loss of function. Surgery in the nervous system is a mark of the recent technology of the 20th century and many things are still to understand or figure out. Frequently asked concerns, will I be the same after the surgery? Will I wake up paralyzed? Will I become vegetative “vegetable alive by the machines? Will I recognize my family? And so many questions and concerns.
It is my belief that many brains will have recovered from major injury if we give enough time to heal. When we injure the brain, the patient goes back to the child’s brain and becomes dependent. The child’s brain takes 18 years to mature. So with the brain plasticity and ability to generate, perhaps time is needed to support the brain and nervous system for recovery.