A Christian From Egypt
Volume I

This book is my life story, as a Coptic Christian, raised in Egypt. Where no one from my family has ever moved away for thousands of years through the rise and falls of ancient pharaohs and deep roots of ancient Christianity. It is also the story of my parents raising 10 children since 1953 in an environment of extreme poverty where resources and opportunities were limited with unrelenting prejudice towards Christian minorities.
So, I came to the United States, the land of opportunity, and became a prominent American neurosurgeon among the only 4000 active nationwide and the only one nationally and internationally to achieve five board certifications in five acknowledged medical disciplines. I continue to practice and serve the mission set before me. My home land was once prosperous and rich in history. Over the centuries, it joined the downfall of the majority of the developing countries of the world through its economic crises and injustices to many. It was the land for the fathers of early Christians and the foundation for worldwide Christians. Now the Coptic Christians are considered a minority constituting a mere 10% of the population and are joining the exodus of ancient Christians from their native African continent.
This book chronicles my journey from the land of history, the land of my birth, to the land of opportunity, America. It outlines the socioeconomic and political changes that Egypt has seen over the last century.
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