Community Service Programs & Presentation
Community Service Programs & Presentations

Stroke screening in Plainfield, IL, St. Mary’s Church, Oct. 21, 2001

Establishment of Neurosurgery Chiropractic Case Conference (1998 - Present) Bi-monthly meeting held at Silver Cross Hospital and subsequently at Rush-Copley Medical Center. Inter-education and healthy discussion to improve patient care in the community, Course Director.

Lecturers for Senior Citizen “Walking Club,” e.g., Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cervical Spondylosis, etc.

Local magazine publication with case discussion.

Web site, free consultation through out the World Internet.
International services
Brain injury survivor group
Trauma prevention program
“Stroke Update for the Community”, lecturer, rush-Copley Medical Center, Aurora, IL, January 23, 2002.

“New innovation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”, Rush-Copley Medical Center, February 4, 2002.

“Stroke Awareness for the Community”, Yorkville, IL, March 14, 2002.

“Trauma Prevention to Young Adults”, lecturer at program, Rush-Copley Medical Center, Aurora, IL, April 8, 2002.

“What About Neurosurgery”, Yorkville High School, Yorkville, IL, May 22, 2002.

“Warning Signs of a Stroke”, Rush-Copley Medical Center, Aurora, IL, May 22, 2002.

“Help Stomp Out Stroke”!, lecturer, Main Baptist Church, Aurora, IL, May 23, 2002.

“Stroke Update”, assisted living center, Countryside Village Apartments, Yorkville, IL, 630/553.5040, June 6, 2002.

“Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”, community lecture, Rush-Copley Medical Center, July 17, 2002.

“Stroke Screening”, senior event, Rush-Copley Medical Center, Aurora, IL, September 28, 2002. “Back Pain – Back Surgery – Back to Normal”, lecturer, Rush-Copley medical Center, Aurora, IL, October 3, 2002.

“Stroke Screening”, Senior Resource Team, a resource fair for seniors, disabled and their families, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Aurora, IL, October 12, 2002.

“Stroke Screening”, Ghaly Neurosurgical Associates, Aurora, IL, October 29, 2002.

The founder of “The Ghaly Brain Injury Survival Support Group”, providing supportive environment for patients and families. Monthly meeting and education.

“Let’s Talk About Stroke”, Our Lady of Angels, Joliet, IL, November 12, 2002.

“Stroke in America: The Silent Epidemic and the Role of Three P’s”, Gyrator, Rotary One, December 10, 2002.

Community education lecture series, Rush-Copley medical Center, Aurora, IL:

1/23/02 Stroke update for the community

1/25/02 Ghaly Neurosurgical – Chiropractic Grand Rounds

3/20/02 Warning Signs of a Stroke

4/4/02 Trauma Prevention for Young Adults

ATI Physical Therapy Institute, Joliet, L, Onsite Physician, Annual 5Kcharity run, May 2003

Ghaly Foundation for Neuroscience care, First annual free community Healthfair, Joliet, IL October 11, 2003

“Christian Faith in the workplace, Union Congregational Church, Aurora, IL October 19, 2003

“Surgical Technique for Pain Management” Association of Surgical Technology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgical, Omni Ambassador East Hotel, Chicago, IL September 21, 2003 “Operation Stroke”, WWTO TV, Ottawa, IL Guest Lecturer April 2, 2003

Channel 6 Comcast TV, guest lecturer on the “Outspoken with Karen Show”, Personal interviews in Neurosurgical topics September 15, 2003 and October 28, 2003

(Memorial Baptist Church ) Judson College, Joliet IL, Lecturer “Ancient Egypt and Mummification” October 30, 2003 Joliet Area Christian Cooperative

Community Neuroscience Health Fair, Joliet, IL October 11, 2003, “Neurosurgical procedures for neuroscience illness”

Union Congregational Church, Aurora, IL October 19, 2003 “ Christian faith in the work place”

Main Baptist Church, aurora, IL February 15, 2003 Stroke and hypertension screening and education The Ghaly Foundation for Neuroscience Care, Community Meetings to educate in regard to “Stroke”, “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”: Our Lady of Angels, Joliet IL March 21, 04 & July 18, 04, Aldin of Waterford, Aurora, IL April 25, 04.

Stroke Symposium for the Community, October 30, 04 at Rush Copley Medical Center, Aurora, Il “Stroke Awareness and Prevention”

Stroke Symposium to the Public, St. George Orthodox Christian Church, 4601 W. Pauling, Monee, Il, Dec 12, 04

“Stroke Awareness, Prevention and treatment

Computer Webpage “Neuroscience Care of America to serve patients and communities” Pending

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Awareness and Prevention for the Community, Jan 27, 05, Rush Copley Medical Center, Aurora, IL

A Pain in the Neck: The causes and Treatments for Neck Pain, Awareness for the Public, Feb 24, 05, Rush Copley Medical Center, Aurora, IL

Rush Copley Heart Institute, May 4, 05: “Could you have a stroke”

“Stroke Awareness for the Public” Main Baptist Church, 814 E. Galena Blvd, Aurora, Il, September 10, 05

“Stroke Prevention Program”, Asbury Towers, Aurora, IL, 10/13/05

“Stroke Prevention Program”, Oswego Presbyterian Church, Oswego, IL, Dec 1, 05

“Christianity and the brain: deeds at the heart of the brain”, Saint George Coptic Orthodox Church of Chicago, December, Newsletter, 2005

“Stroke Awareness and Prevention to the Public” Lecture to the community, New Lenox Public Library, New Lenox, Il, March 8, 06

“Stroke Awareness and Prevention to the Public” Lecture to the community, Carillon Clubhouse, Plainfield, ILMay 10, 2006 6-8pm

“LUMBAR DISC DISEASE TO THE PUBLIC”, July 12, 06 6-8pm, Carillon clubhouse, Plainfield, IL

“STROKE AWARENESS TO THE PUBLIC”, Naperville public library, July 26, 06, 6-8pm

“Treatment options for low back pain”, ATI PT, Oswego, IL August 30, 2006

“PREVENTION OF STROKE” October 26, 2006, Rush Copley Medical Center, Neuroscience Institute, Aurora, IL

“Stroke Prevention for Public”, The Lodge at Shorewood Glen, Shorewood, Il, 2/21/2007

“Stroke Prevention for Public”, Alden Gardens, Aurora, IL, May 16, 2007

The 14th Annual Ancient Christianity Afro-American Conference, Carmelite Spiritual Center, Darien, IL May 31-June 3, 2007. The Annual convention was led by Dr. Carla Thomas:, 256-237-0251, 256-239-7353, fax 256-237-0295, e-mail, POBox 1887, Anniston, AL 36202 and Brotherhood of St Moses the Black, Ancient Christianity Conference, 216 E 8th Street, POBox 1887, Anniston, AL 36202-1887. Father Moses Berry, Pastor of Theotokos Orthodox Christian Church, POBox 21, 810 Woodbine, Ash Grove, Missouri 65604, A mission of the Orthodox Church in America 417-751-9753, Father Paisius Altschul, Reconciliation Services, 3101 Troost Ave, Kansas City, MO 64109, 816-931-4751, fx 816-931-0142,

Radio Interview, aired on 7/12-14/2007. I was Interviewed and talk about my three books “Christianity and the Brain” vol I “Faith and Medicine” vol II “The Brain and Journey between Earth and Heaven” and vol III “The brain and Last hour Journey”. The interview was for 90minutes for “The Ancient Faith Radio” conducted by John and Tatiana Maddex, from All Saints Antiochian Orthodox Church, 4129 W Newport, Chicago, IL 60641 (773-777-0749) at info@ancientfaithradio.comand and by Steven Bynum, Chicago Public Radio, 312-948-4714 from St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, 17935 Springfield Ave, Homewood, IL 60430

Main Baptist Church Health Fair, Aurora, Il, 9/8/2007: “Stroke and Hypertension”

St. Anthony Monastery, Yermo, CA, !/13, 2008: “Faith and Medicine”

Community Health Advisor “Stroke Awareness to the Community”, 12/15/2009, AIMMC, Chicago, IL

“Outspoken with Karon Gibson” Comcast TV Show, 1/28/2010

Rasmussen college, Reomville, Il, “Community Healthfair: New Neurosurgical techniques”, June 24, 2010

Community Health Advisor “Stroke Awareness to the Community”, 02/04/2010, AIMMC, Chicago, IL